5 simple reasons to train with the seasons

Figure out what works for YOUR current lifestyle.

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I’m an over-thinker.

I used to be that guy that couldn’t decide whether he wanted to bulk or cut so I got nowhere. It was frustrating.

I would bulk for a while and then miss my abs. Then I’d cut down and miss the extra size.

That’s what makes bodybuilding challenging and rewarding.

If you were either lean and small or big and bulked it wouldn’t be as impressive.

I like to think most guys go through this. They either stay bulked forever or they never look sharp in the summer. They’re obsessed with being big.

When I say “bulked”, I mean someone that prefers to move weight around in the gym and stay at sub 16-18% year-round.

Then there are the people who are where I used to be. Always want to be aesthetic but leave a ton of gains on the table.

Shredded refers to someone that is sub 10% or so year-round.

It's hard to look jacked with a shirt on when you're shredded all year.

It's fine if this isn't important to you.

If you consider yourself to be a gym bro, you will want to look masculine and capable around other men.

If you didn’t care about size at all then be a cyclist and don’t lift.

When you’re shredded in the summer though, you look insane standing next to 99% of men. Most guys are crushing cans of Budweiser by the lake and getting comfortable (I'm Canadian).

Bulk and cut based on your current lifestyle

Figure out what works for your current lifestyle. This is why it’s important to not only bulk and cut with the seasons of the year but also the seasons of your life.

What you want to do doesn't matter.

Things that matter right now in your life are the promises you make to yourself. Your work, health, family, etc. Your goals NEED to align with your current lifestyle.

Here are 5 reasons why bulking and cutting with the seasons is more sensible:

Enjoy Your Summer

A beach body only lasts 2-3 months. Make the most of it.

I work in the restaurant industry and summer is the busiest time. I’m cooking for everyone that’s on vacation. My lifestyle is hectic and I struggle to find time to eat.

This is when I prefer to maintain the shredded look for a while.

It also works well with beach season.

Here’s the thing: even if you get summers off from work, don't you want to be outside?

Who wants to be in a sweaty gym with AC when it’s beautiful outside?! Instead of training 5-6x a week, you can keep your gains with as little as 2 days.

Research shows that you only need 1/3 of your weekly training volume to maintain muscle.

You’re More Active in the Summer

You’ll want to be outside as much as possible because you know that summer is short-lived.

You end up getting shredded as a by-product of walking around town or running in nature.

If you enjoy walking 10,000 steps a day, then it’ll be effortless to stay at a low body fat during the summer.

I don’t want to walk that much in the winter.

For a few months here in Canada it’s pouring rain and even snowing. You’re less likely to walk or run often for the goal of having abs.

Nobody Sees You With Your Shirt Off in the Winter

Do not do something only for abs. You want to keep your body fat at 10% because you like to eat less often, fast daily, and do more cardio.

It’s not worth it for men who only lift weights and see cardio as a means to an end.

Don't spend your time doing that if you'd rather hit the gym and eat more. You’re wearing layered clothing and puffy jackets.

It’s a better idea to use this time as an opportunity to add new size to your frame and fill out.

Cutting During the Holidays is Rough

The home cooking is on another level during the holidays. Set new and exciting PRs on your big lifts, and enjoy eating more carbs every day.

Make sure not to bulk above 16-17% body fat. Scientific research shows the ideal range for healthy testosterone is between 8-15%.

So even if you bulk above 15, don’t stay there too long. It has negative effects on your testosterone, energy levels, and attractiveness.

It’s More Fun

It’s so much more fun to stay around 15-16% most of the year and then get to sub 12% for the summer months.

You would only have to lose 8-10 pounds with that approach. You’re not going from one extreme to the other like most professional bodybuilders.

12% isn’t shredded, but you have visible abs under most lighting (including the summer sun).

Dieting below 10% is possible with the right approach. Yet, it’s difficult to maintain and it might not be worth feeling hungry all the time.

Do it to push yourself or get ready for a vacation. Don't stay there all year. You'll kill your gains.

My Personal Experience

After over a decade of experience with lifting, I have found the only time you need to lean bulk is if you're skinny. Flat pecs, narrow shoulders, small legs, you know what I mean..

I didn’t want to bulk from 16 to 23 years of age.

I didn’t want to lose my abs. I put off getting bigger and stronger for a looonng time.

If you’re small, you should go on a proper lean bulk. Adopt a fitness routine that emphasizes progressive overload.

I recommend something like 5x5 starting strength or a program from the fitness YouTuber Jeff Nippard.

I stayed lean for so long because I feel healthier and more confident.

Training can get old, and you may need to get bigger. Do some big compound lifts.


To recap, this is how you should approach bulking and cutting throughout the year:

When you have more time to work out and consume calories, lean bulk.

When life gets crazy and you try to skip meals, go on a cut.

Lift 3 days per week emphasizing deadlifts, squats, and bench presses to get strong as a mother f***er.

Lift more in the winter. Walk or run more in the summer to hit a calorie deficit.

Always eat whole foods and enough protein.

It’s that simple. Thanks for reading!

